Wednesday, July 27, 2005

And They're Off!

Alissa and the kids have just left on a trip up to the grandparents house in Asheville. Its a good 3.5 hour trip if everything goes well. This will be little Aralyn's "First Big Car Ride." I hope that she'll do well on the trip.

They will be up there for several days, scheduled to be home again Sunday. Actually, Alissa is planning to be in Aiken in time for "Gracie's Tea Party." Gracie is a sweet little girl friend of Aidan's. She will be five in a few days and the party should be quite a fun time for the little tykes.

While the family is gone I will be working extra hard. It is always easier for me to do extra big jobs when they are out of town as it is so much easier to leave the house when no one is there to play with. Of course, Aidan wants me to go with them. I'd love to, but time does not allow it at this point. He asks me why I have to work so much. It really is a good question. There are so many answers to that question: we need the money for food, our house, our vehicles, our clothes etc... God has provided me with opportunities to earn a living and sometimes that responsibility overrides my desire to take time off.

I know its hard for him to understand. Sometimes I don't really get it myself. Instead I have learned to accept things where my four year old still questions them. Perhaps I'll learn from him and my other kids as they grow to question things instead of just accepting them because "that's just the way it is."

But for now, I pray they'll have a safe trip up there and back and a good time visiting with Mimi & Papa and the rest of the family that way. I'll miss them while they are gone and look forward to their safe return.

Of Small Town Hospitals

We had our first hospital adventure last night since Aidan was born. We've only been to hospitals to visit since he was born. Our two daughters were born at home. Yes, we planned the births that way but that's another story...

Last night Alora, our two year old was playing at Neena and Papa's (my parents) house and fell and hit her head. She seemed alright but then this goose egg showed up on her forehead. We parents went into panic mode and flew over to the local hopsital to make sure she'd be OK. It was quite the experience. We were trying to keep her awake in case she had a concussion, talking to her and asking her questions. By the time they got to us in the Emergency Room she was back to her usual jovial self. If not for the "egg on her face" as she called it you wouldn't know she'd just been hurt.

The nurses and doctor on duty were really nice and quick to assist. It was as pleasant an experience as you could hope for in the hospital. She only had a small contussion with no serious damage to anything. No shattered nose, cracked skull or anything like that. She may be sore for a few days, but otherwise, perfectly fine. As a plus, it was only $25 to get us out the door (we will be billed the rest later). All in all - Hurray for our side!

I thank God for watching over us and our kids and keeping us safe. No matter how we may mess things up and stand in the way, he watches and is in control. Even in the hardest times, we can trust in him. As parents one of our greatest desires is to pass a trust in God on to our children. In moments like those we experienced last night, those lessons may be taught best.

Please help us raise our kids to trust and follow YOU. In the hard moments we face may we be a good example to them so our actions will bear our words out as true. Help us always to walk by faith and pass that faith on to them.
In Jesus' name - Amen

Tuesday, July 19, 2005


…from whence the name comes.

Reality? Vision? Dream? Take from this what you will…

Several Years Ago – Summer Church Camp – Friday Night

It was the final night of a wonderful week. As worship time approached I prayed that the worship time and message would reach the kids and adults in a way they would remember: something to impact their lives once home and back in the "real world." The singing was beautiful and I was particularly caught up as we sang "It Is Well With My Soul" just before the lesson. I prayed for those words specifically to be true for all of us who were singing.

The lesson was powerful. Stan was speaking about the Spirit. He was telling us how the Greek word for spirit and wind are the same. Then it happened…

Out of the calm, from no where it seemed, the wind began to blow. Not gently or subtly, but forcefully gusting through the open-air facility. The noise of this sudden gale was deafening as the instant storm pounded the sheet metal over us.

The threat of real danger in the weather caused a retreat to the rear of the building which was more enclosed. Everyone was herded to the back to try and continue what had been a wonderfully spiritual time.

That is, everyone but me. I felt an urge to investigate this powerful wind, this wind that I had never known before. I walked out into the sudden darkness looking for the source, as if I could see the wind. As I stepped out I saw a red glow in the sky, somewhat elliptical in shape, seemingly passing over us slowly.

I walked to the edge of the small lake and stopped as I continued to survey the glowing redness.

As I stopped, the glow seemed to stand still. There was a calm around me though the torrent continued just beyond. I looked all around and my eyes were drawn out over the water: a still peace in the midst of this tempest.

"Walk out onto the water" I heard someone say. I thought I was alone and turned quickly to see the source of these words. No one was there.

Again, audibly I heard, "Walk out onto the water."

I began to speak to the voice. "Wait a minute! Who’s this? And what do you mean, walk out onto the water? What for?"

"Walk out onto the water that I AM glorified."

"Seriously, who are you?"

"You know who I AM. Now, walk out onto the water. Glorify me."

"If you are who you claim, I don’t understand. This makes no sense. No one will see this, and even if they did they’d just be freaked out or think it’s some kind of trick. How will you be glorified by that?"

"Trust me. I’ll be glorified. Who says anyone has to see this for me to be glorified? You will know. Where is your faith? Just step out onto the water and walk."

"How do I know it’s you and not the devil?"

"You know. Step out. Walk."


My voice trailed off and I fought within myself. Do I believe what I am hearing? Do I trust this voice? Can I walk out onto the lake? Should I even try? I stood, motionless, paralyzed by my fear, staring at the water for what seemed like hours.

"ADAM! What are you doing? Its time to sing! Come on!"

The calm had spread, the redness dissipated into twilight. I knew I had been alone until now. I turned and saw my sister motioning me back to the group to finish the service.

I glanced back at the lake. I remembered something there…something about the water.

Fast forward to the present…

I have been in the same community for 22 years. I know so many of the people, the churches, where to go for help, who to ask for help or advice, many good friends and close family ties. I have a steady source of income, albeit through 3 jobs. Those I work with and for count on me. I have a fairly nice home place. My wife and kids are well provided for and have many things to do and friends that are close both physically and emotionally. I feel like I have things together. I feel like I am in control.

I am in control. My God calls me to serve, yet I want to control it. I want to control when, where, how and who I serve. I "stand faithfully," "serve faithfully," as long as I control it and see where it may lead. When I am comfortable with it, then I do it. Show me the way and when I see it I’ll go.

That’s my problem.

Thinking back to the events of that night, the message to me is clear. Step out on faith. Walk where it makes no sense. Follow where led. See the unseen. Hear the unheard. Leave the comfortable life that has been built and get uncomfortable. Go without a map. Walk to the edge of reason and understanding and step off into the unknown. Trust and obey. Be truly faith-full.

I return to the lake. I stand at the water’s edge as my God stands out on the water, just beyond reach. He holds out his hand and says, "Adam. Come. Let’s walk."

Friday, July 15, 2005

Stepping Out

With a name like "Walking on Water" I better be willing to step out, at least a little...

I have decided to join the rest of countless individuals divulging information and opinions to the rest of the world via this phenomenon of blogging.

It is interesting to me to see just what people "blog" about: their life, struggles, joys, experiences, pains, hurts, triumphs, the mountains, valleys and everything in between, right to the downright plain mundane everyday sort of stuff. Some tell us their secrets while others maintian a standoffish-ness. Sometimes you wonder if these folks are at all truthful. Such's great! One more way we learn that we're really not that different after all.

As I begin, I wonder what may strike me as worthy of publishing for anyone out there to see.
Am I going to do this on a regular basis, or will this just be something that comes to me and then falls to the side in my already busy life?

It may be useful as a means of communicating with folks I seldom see or speak to but care deeply about. It may simply be useful to vent from time to time. Perhaps if it is read, I may gain insight from others who share experiences similar to mine who are willing to share their views and opinions with me.

I hope to share things regularly, and if anyone ever looks at it, I hope you find it worth your while.