Friday, July 15, 2005

Stepping Out

With a name like "Walking on Water" I better be willing to step out, at least a little...

I have decided to join the rest of countless individuals divulging information and opinions to the rest of the world via this phenomenon of blogging.

It is interesting to me to see just what people "blog" about: their life, struggles, joys, experiences, pains, hurts, triumphs, the mountains, valleys and everything in between, right to the downright plain mundane everyday sort of stuff. Some tell us their secrets while others maintian a standoffish-ness. Sometimes you wonder if these folks are at all truthful. Such's great! One more way we learn that we're really not that different after all.

As I begin, I wonder what may strike me as worthy of publishing for anyone out there to see.
Am I going to do this on a regular basis, or will this just be something that comes to me and then falls to the side in my already busy life?

It may be useful as a means of communicating with folks I seldom see or speak to but care deeply about. It may simply be useful to vent from time to time. Perhaps if it is read, I may gain insight from others who share experiences similar to mine who are willing to share their views and opinions with me.

I hope to share things regularly, and if anyone ever looks at it, I hope you find it worth your while.


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