Monday, January 30, 2006


To this blog thing anyway.
I had hoped I would be able to take the time at least weekly to journal my life and thoughts. Really, I would like to be able to more often. Yes, there is more going on in my head and life than I have been able to share. It has, as so often things do, come down to how I prioritize my time. So far, this just hasn't been high on that list. I could explain why and what is ahead, but it doesn't really matter. Those reasons are more for me than any one else. But then again, so is this blog in the first place.
So maybe I will share some things about it.
First time thing is: I work. A lot. Just ask my wife. Three jobs make for little time to take for yourself.
Second time thing: I have a family. I am a husband and father and absolutely love it. But this also takes time. Takes up most of the time I have "to myself." There are no other people on this earth I would rather share that time with than my family. I'm not saying I am the "World's Greatest Dad" or "Number 1 Husband." I'm certainly not. Sometimes I am ashamed of how I behave toward them. It is a work in progress that requires whatever time I can give.
Third time thing: Sleep. Yes, I need it too. I rarely actually get enough sleep and am often tired beyond reason. This is one of the reasons that I am such a jerk sometimes. (the real reason is that I lack self control.) The lack of sleep does not come for lack of trying, just lack of time.
In between those big three time takers, I eat, drive to and from said jobs, take care of nature's business and many other mundane yet vital daily activities.
So to you, the reader (and to myself), I would like to say that I really do like you and enjoy sharing with you. But you are just a hobby, granted one that I enjoy, but there are other more important things that I think about and spend my time on. Perhaps in the future, I will be able to get on a regular track with this thing.
But if not, I appreciate your patience.

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Like, So Totally Weird

So, I have been tagged by the ever faithful Jacinda, a wonderful blogger who continually encourages me to shape up my blogging!
Five weird habits I have. Not to be confused with five weird things about me, though arguably some could be one and the same.

1) As a drummer, I drum on everything, everywhere, virtually all the time. Literally. Wife and kids included. I was once accused of this in high school and adamantly denied its truth. But I have noticed it is truer than not.

2) If I am not actually drumming on something, I am doing some sort of vocal percussive thing. Almost constantly. I am sure it drives people nuts, if the drumming itself hasn't already accomplished this.

3) I shave my armpits. Sometimes more often than my wife shaves hers. This is simply a matter of hygeine for me. But as a guy it qualifies as weird.

4) If I am awake near the midnight hour, I avoid mirrors and other reflective surfaces like the plague. When I was a kid one of my friends shared told me that he had heard (and apparently believed) that if you look into a mirror at midnight you will see your eternal destination. For some who have this "experience" they may go mad or kill themselves or something utterly ridiculous. I knew then, and know now that it is absolute bologna, but still, I avoid them at that time.

5) This one is somewhat gross. I smell everything. If not directly then second hand. This means I tough things and smell my hand or finger(s). Like I said. Gross. I know I have this habit and therefore try to avoid doing it.

I admit that 1, 2 and 5 may be more bad habit than weird habit, but that's what I've got.