Monday, January 30, 2006
Saturday, January 14, 2006
Like, So Totally Weird
1) As a drummer, I drum on everything, everywhere, virtually all the time. Literally. Wife and kids included. I was once accused of this in high school and adamantly denied its truth. But I have noticed it is truer than not.
2) If I am not actually drumming on something, I am doing some sort of vocal percussive thing. Almost constantly. I am sure it drives people nuts, if the drumming itself hasn't already accomplished this.
3) I shave my armpits. Sometimes more often than my wife shaves hers. This is simply a matter of hygeine for me. But as a guy it qualifies as weird.
4) If I am awake near the midnight hour, I avoid mirrors and other reflective surfaces like the plague. When I was a kid one of my friends shared told me that he had heard (and apparently believed) that if you look into a mirror at midnight you will see your eternal destination. For some who have this "experience" they may go mad or kill themselves or something utterly ridiculous. I knew then, and know now that it is absolute bologna, but still, I avoid them at that time.
5) This one is somewhat gross. I smell everything. If not directly then second hand. This means I tough things and smell my hand or finger(s). Like I said. Gross. I know I have this habit and therefore try to avoid doing it.
I admit that 1, 2 and 5 may be more bad habit than weird habit, but that's what I've got.