Saturday, August 27, 2005

I hate SPAM

I must admit, when it comes to canned, processed meat-product foods, I like SPAM the best. Although, Vienna Sausages would be a close second.
What I HATE is email spam, internet spam and the like. On my little blog, viewed by few, I have already experienced SPAM in the form of computer generated comments. They were easy enough to delete, but why should I have the hassle? So to prevent this in the future, I have turned on the word verification for commenting.
If you read and want to comment, it's an added step in the process, but worth it to me.


Blogger Alissa said...

Good idea! Will be doing the same! (spam is ok, if sliced and heated in a skillet until a little brown and crispy...Vienna sausages however I will leave for you and the kids, they remind me of potted meat, and I won't eat that either!)

10:07 AM  
Blogger Jacinda said...

I prefer neither kind of SPAM myself!

1:37 PM  
Blogger Owen B. said...

Hi, Adam --

Just found your blog. I liked your post on measuring up.

Thanks for putting a link to mine in the sidebar. I appreciate that.

On spam, I grew up with a mom that was quite creative with spam. Though I grew up in Los Angeles, she grew up poor in Texas. And spam was part of our way of life -- at least when I was home.

One of my favorite M*A*S*H episodes is when Radar ships the easter lamb home to Iowa and Hawkeye and BJ (I think it was BJ) create a spam lamb for all the wounded Greek soldiers. I laugh even thinking about it.

How anyone could mistake spam for lamb! It must have been the ouzo!

Thanks again for visiting and linking my blog.

Stay dry back there. (I imagine the rain bands from Katrina are headed your way. A bit stretched out, I know, but still. I heard of some tornadoes in western Georgia today where I lived for awhile. Yikes!)


Owen Burgess
Life in the Suture Zone/WorshipForum

10:51 PM  

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