Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Look for It

Do you remember the old Ray Steven's song Santa Claus is Watching You (He's everywhere! He's Everywhere!)? I know its a little early to be pulling out the Christmas Season stuff, already. Just bear with me...

There is a comment from my high school days that has stuck with me. The gist of the conversation from my friend is a bit on the crass crude side, suffice it to say. You'll understand in a minute. At the end of this little dialogue came this comment: "After all...It's all pink on the inside." Yes, he was talking about sex and such as many teens are apt to do. I must say, I was a bit shocked at that moment for several reasons. 1) He was a friend I looked up to and I never expected this type of statement to come from him. 2) It just seemed to be a very pathetic and unconcerned view to have on something as important as sex. Apparently he was quite the swinger and just wanted me to know.

The thing is, he was right. "It's all pink on the inside" is a true statement. And if you change it up just a bit (It's all pink on the inside - We're all pink on the inside - We're all the same on the inside) there is a universal truth with great importance.

Truth is like that.

It is where you find it.

It's Everywhere! It's Everywhere!

And so is God.

The challenge for us often times is seeing the truth through the current situation. It can be hard to recognize what is there for what it really is. We are often so caught up in ourselves and our own agendas that the truth and presence of God eludes us. I was too blinded by that comment at the time to recognize the truth behind it. Only later, through a different perspective did it come to me.

So, as I walk down the path set before me I must remember to always be on the look out for it. Regardless of the person, their choices, their struggles, their current salvation status, what the weather is like, where I am at, what music is playing, what movie is showing, what activity is going on - regardless of everything - be on the lookout for truth. There is always a glimmer of truth and of God's touch that we can see if we will.
Just look for it.


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